Aggie Muster - Application Development

A Timeless In-Person Tradition Goes Virtual During COVID-19

Every year since 1903, the Aggie Muster celebrates the camaraderie of the school while remembering the lives of Aggies who have died in the past year. Today, Muster is celebrated in over 300 worldwide locations, with the main ceremony taking place on the Texas A&M campus in College Station. This single ceremony brings together more Aggies worldwide than any other campus event. 

In the weeks leading up to the 2020 Muster, with daily changes to social distancing and health recommendations, the Aggies realized they would have to cancel or greatly alter this time-held tradition and quickly move to a digital platform.

Muster is Texas A&M’s most sacred tradition. In 2020, it takes on a special meaning as Aggies will Muster while sheltered in place around the world.
- Kathryn Greenwade, Vice President of the Association of Former Students
Texas A&M recruited Inventive in the 3 weeks prior to the April 21st event to bring a virtual experience to Aggies across the globe.

The opportunity to recreate this annual and timeless tradition was successfully achieved with the following:


UI/UX Design

Software Engineering and Architecture


Load Testing and QA

Project Management


Microservice architecture that scaled up to 35+ servers under peak load


Azure Functions


Azure Storage

Azure Cache for Redis


CDN in Azure

Website Features

  • Live stream of campus ceremony
  • Interactive “Here” for Roll Call
  • Map of users across the world
  • Registration
  • Reflections of the Fallen
  • Virtually visit Texas A&M campus
  • Donate
In 3 weeks, Inventive was able to build a platform, load-test for a high volume of visitors (400,000), and deploy the Aggies Muster 2020 virtual event across the globe.