Market Fit Analysis

The Perfect Fit

Achieving full-fledged product-market fit is key to any successful business. Why? Well, simply put: product-market fit happens when you have successfully identified your target customer and are providing them with the products and services they need and want. 

It means that there’s market demand for what you’re selling or creating, and people are willing to use and pay for it because it’s better than all the other alternatives out there.

That’s kind of the ultimate goal for any business, right? 

But how do you figure out if your product or idea has achieved market fit?

Don’t worry. That’s what we’re here for.

How to Achieve Product-Market Fit

You can create product-market fit in lots of different ways — adapt your core product to new markets, identify untapped market demand, repurpose or reorganize old ideas, or even create an entirely new service.  And with our product-market fit analysis, you’ll get on the fast track:

Determine Your Target Customer

Who is your product or service for? How will it meet their needs? Not sure? We will conduct research to find out. Then we’ll use the research to build customer personas. If you want to fully envision your target customer to develop products that will meet their needs, there’s no better way.

Identify Underserved Customer Needs

It's hard to sell a product or service in a market full of existing solutions that people are already happy with. A better option is to find why they’re unhappy. What pain points do they have and how can you solve those issues? We’ll ask the right questions and find the answers.

Define Your Unique Value Proposition

How will your product stand out in the market and meet customers' needs better than competitors? Superior quality, lower pricing, nicer packaging? The answers to those questions along with an analysis of the competitive landscape will ensure you're positioned for success.

Specify Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Feature Set

Identifying essential features for your initial product rollout is crucial, and we’re here to provide guidance. We’ll keep it simple, clean, and effective so your MVP captures the essence of your product while allowing room for future enhancements.

Create Your MVP Prototype

We’ll build a streamlined, functional prototype that embodies the core value of your product. This initial version is a foundation for iterative development. Once launched, we will analyze customer feedback to refine the prototype and better meet market demands.

Test Your MVP With Customers

It’s showtime! This phase is integral to refining your product-market fit strategy because it's where we’ll get concrete info from a select group of potential customers rather than assumptions. We’ll analyze the customer-response for data-driven iterations that triangulate toward perfection.

Our Product-Market Fit Analysis

Analyzing product-market fit is not an exact science, however we integrate qualitative feedback from customer surveys and reviews to enrich our understanding of your product’s market fit. This multifaceted approach is based on analysis of key indicators that indicate your market position:

Customer Conversion

The speed  and frequency at which customers decide to purchase your product, indicating initial market appeal.

Promotor Metrics

Mentions and recommendations of your product among customers’ social circles and online networks.

Customer Retention Analysis

Are customers sticking around? We’ll seek to understand long-term user engagement.

Marketing Interaction

How customers engage with your marketing efforts, providing insights into market resonance.

Churn Rate Evaluation

How many customers unsubscribe or discontinue using your product because they’re unsatisfied?

Competitive Benchmarking

We’ll evaluate strengths and weaknesses against competitors to understand your relative market position.

Understanding what your audience wants is more effective than trying to change what your audience wants.

Our Arsenal of Market Analysis Tools

Let's find your perfect fit!